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New Books

by Nina Stibbe

A remarkably insightful look at a 30 year friendship and all of it's frustrations, joys, and disappointments.


Mecca by Susan Straight

An intimate look at Southern California life through the actions of true natives of the area, specifically indigenous and Mexican descendents. The story lines are expertly combined at the conclusion.


Midcoast by Adam White

What families do for their children. Set in Maine, but the story holds up in any community.


Ill Will by Dan Chaon

Chaon has a new book out and NYT reviewer highly recommended this one as well. Creepy. Violent. Scary. Do not pick this up if you are squeamish.


Counterfeit by Kristin Chen

New Moms who whine are cringeworthy in my mind, but this one ends up in the counterfeit purse business. The details of how it works were the best part of the book!


Mutinous Women by Joan DeJean

How the Louisiana territory was populated by French women wrongfully imprisoned in 1719 Paris.

The facts are shocking, but this reads like an index of the author's meticulous research. An academic endeavor.

A for authenticity, B for readability.

In With the Devil by James Keene

This is an excellent Audible selection. Currently a series on apple + under the name Black Bird. The book is far superior! True story of convicted drug kingpin going undercover in prison to obtain a confession from a serial killer.



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