The General and Julia by Jon Clinch
By the author of Marley, this is a fresh look at Ulysses Grant and his wife. A more personal view of his life and inner demons as a husband, father, soldier, and president. A+ for this and Marley.

Chenneville by Paulette Jiles
She gave us News of the World and Simon the Fiddler, both of which I highly recommend. Remarkably descriptive book about Chenneville, a Civil War hero who sets out to avenge his sister's murder. Scenes are so realistic I could smell the leather and my hands felt dusty. A

Murder By Degrees by Ritu Mukerji
I love a medical murder mystery.
This is set in 1875 Philadelphia and told by Dr. Lydia Weston, the head of the Women's Medical College. Intrigue along with the struggle of women to gain medical education and acceptance.

A True Account by Katherine Howe
A delightful, though sometimes gory, tale of Hannah Masury who steals aboard a ship disguised as a cabin boy to escape her life of servitude in 18th century Boston, only to become part of a pirate crew. Her journal later discovered in Cambridge in 1930 and a pursuit of stolen treasure ensues. A-

America Fantastica by Tim O'Brien
A farcical, satirical romp by the author of The Things They Carried.
Fraudulent billionaires, cheating cops, gangsters, and a cross-country chase and back. Our current state of affairs. B+

The Woman in Me by Britney Spears
Do not roll your eyes at this! I know who is!
Listen to Michelle Williams narrate the Audible of this pitiful tale of what is basically abuse of a child/young adult by her family.
I was struck by the similarity to Jessica Sinmpson's Open Book. Both of these singers worked non-stop and were cheated out of their earnings. If nothing else, you have to admire the work ethic. You do not achieve this level of fame easily. What a miserable lifestyle. A

Zenith Man by McCracken Poston, Jr.
True story of a courtroom drama set in 1997 Ringgold Georgia and penned by the attorney.
I grew up in a small town- you cannot make this stuff up. The characters are hilariously accurate, as is the sense of community. Fun read. A-
Thanks to Citadel Press for ARC.
Do Tell by Lindsay Lynch. Old Hollywood glamour and intrigue.
The House of Love and Death by Andrew Klavan. Part of the Cameron Winter series.
The Bee Sting by Paul Murphy. Irish family saga. Highly acclaimed.Booker Prize list.
The Stolen Coast by Dwyer Murphy. Slow burn heist set in Cape Cod.