I really enjoyed this tragicomic book by Belinda Bauer. Exit tells the story of assisted suicide gone wrong. Only the Brits can make this scenario funny. Trust me and put on the tea kettle. A-
Kristin Hannah does not disappoint with The Four Winds. Elsa Martinelli has to cope with the Depression and the Dust Bowl of 1934 in Texas. Thousands of people had to muster courage and grit to withstand the depths of misery in America during those years, this is representative and remarkable. A.
Easy reading that comes perilously close to treacly but veers away just in time. The Kitchen Front by Jennifer Ryan is another look at how the Brits pulled up their socks and carried on through WW II. Well researched using actual recipes from the time of strict rations, Ryan tells a good story with emphasis on class restrictions that were just beginning to fracture due to the war. B+
No, I do not like everything I read. I was seduced by a review to read this. Ugh. Bloated, self-important writing about a small group of upper west siders. Who cares. D
But don't let me stop you. Jack Livings wrote The Blizzard Party and I have not written a thing.